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City Council Minutes 06/13/2002
June 13, 2002

ROLL CALL - Councilor Jacobs, McNabb, Hunter and Dempsey, Mayor Carnicelli Present.  

City Staff present:  City Manager John Salomone, Corporation Counsel Tom Leone, City Clerk Debra McCormick, Vijay Mital, Planning Director, Police Chief Gary Gianotta, Mike Long Senior Planner, Bill Lupien Engineering Supervisor.

Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag

Presentations and Proclamations
Mayor Carnicelli introduced Susan Muldoon After School Program Coordinator with the Auburn School District.  She introduced 10 children from Casey Park School
Presentation of Petition and Communications
Mayor Carnicelli asked Council if they would agree to move the resolutions to the beginning of the agenda, prior to the presentations of the work session.  They agreed.

Financial Resolution # 106 of 2002 adopting the 2002 Library District Tax for Seymour Library.  Vote:  Councilor Jacobs, McNabb, Hunter, Dempsey and Mayor Carnicelli vote yes.  PASSED.  

Financial Resolution #107 of 2002 adopting the 2002 Business Improvement District (BID) Tax.  Vote: Councilor Jacobs, McNabb, Hunter, Dempsey and Mayor Carnicelli vote yes.  PASSED.
Work Session
While the overhead was being set up Mr. Salomone invited Chief Giannotta to discuss the results of the Department of Transportation
Councilor Dempsey asked the Chief about alternate side parking on Seymour St.  The Chief said there is alternate side parking and he will see to it that signs are replaced if missing.

Arterial Greenway Project
The City Manager speaks regarding the Greening of the Arterial project and introduces Steve Lynch, Senior Planner.  Mr. Lynch uses power point to present the project plans to council.  The Manager, Mr. Lynch, and Council discussed the project.  Topics included: starting in the early fall with demolition of hard surfaces, planting in the spring, plans for keeping landscaping low maintenance, whether or not to start at the west end or east end, fencing, mowing, and signs.  

Mayor Carnicelli excused herself at 7:15 to leave for a 7:30 commitment.  Councilor McNabb stepped in as acting Mayor.

Parks Update
Jerry Del Favero, Public Works Department Supervisor, assisted by Susan Corcoran presented Council with an update to what repairs and maintenance needs to be done at City playgrounds and parks.

Other Business
Councilor Dempsey suggested that the City consider ways to make Maxwell
Public to be Heard
Joe Leo Grande 161 E. Genesee St. spoke regarding how happy he is to see the parks getting attention.  He complimented Jerry DelFavero on the good work being done.

Motion to adjourn to Executive Session at 8:00PM by Councilor Hunter seconded by Councilor Jacobs.  Purpose to discuss the proposed sale or lease of City owned property.    Ended at 8:20PM
